We, the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines, inspired by our Foundress Mother Rosario de la Visitacion’s love for the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and concern for the poor, are called to sanctify ourselves and others.
Enlivened by the spirit of truth, simplicity, joy and compassion, we serve the Church of the poor by transforming lives through education and socio-pastoral ministries.
Faithful to our calling as consecrated women, we live in prayerful, joyful and caring communities and witness to the Gospel-values in our daily lives.
In loving service to the Church and society we offer Christ-centered and life-giving ministries for the integral well-being of the people we serve, especially the poor.
Know More
Mother Rosario’s life is best captured in paradoxes: born into wealth, she chose a life of poverty. She was gentle, but strong in faith. She was vested with authority; yet she graciously placed herself in the service of others. By her unconditional self-giving, countless others had been enriched. Mother Rosario’s humility became the firm foundation of her sublime position while her charity was the moving charism behind her works. She was well-known for her assiduous mortification, unceasing prayer and purity of life.
Leadership Team & Sisters
The government of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines, whose supreme authority resides in the General Chapter legitimately convoked, and whose ordinary authority is carried by the Prioress General assisted by her Council, is exercised on four levels: general, provincial, regional and local.

CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP 2023-2029 / Mo. Ma. Nemia Daral, OP and the General Council

In our educational institutions, Christian Living and Values Education are given prime importance across curriculum just like all the basic regulated disciplines to foster the integral formation of the youth. All members of the educational community work together in harmony in molding the minds and hearts of the young people sent to their care, so they grow to be responsible as they are skillful and intelligent adults of the community whose consciences are directed by the Gospel values.
Religious vocation is a gift of God to the Church through a Congregation. Every member of the community has the duty of fostering and promoting vocations; first, by taking good care of the vocations that are already in the Congregation and secondly, by cultivating the seed of vocation to the young by living an authentic life of consecration.

January 4, 2025
Holy Rosary Chapel, a Channel of Grace for Jubilee 2025

May 2020
Profession 2020

November 8, 2019
Canonization of Bro Bartholomew De Los Martires

October 7, 2019
Iloilo celebrates Mother Rosario’s path to sainthood
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